The Rotary Club of Lake Zurich is honored to be the recipient of the Lake Zurich Area Chamber of Commerce's 7th Annual Giving Tree Fundraising Event.  For a $30 donation, your name and business logo will be placed in an ornament and displayed on their tree at Breezewald Park in Lake Zurich all season long.  The deadline to get your one-of-a-kind holiday ornament is Friday, December 13th. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and generosity.  
May be an image of ‎christmas tree and ‎text that says '‎נתל LAC'S LZACC'S SEVENTH AA.A ANNUAL ANNUA HOLIDAY GIVING TREE Make a $30 donation to receive an ornament with your logo on our Giving Tree that will be displayed at Breezewald Park in Lake Zurich all season long. plus we will shout out your business in email and social media! Proceeds will support: Rotary ROTARY HAWTHORN WOOOS የደረደት LZACC CRAMBEE CKAMBEROT EROFCOMMERCZ DMMIERCZ SAC-URICA LAKE KEZURICH ZURICH LONG FROVE www. WW.LZACC.COM/GIVINGTREE‎'‎‎