The Lake Zurich Rotary Club is pleased to announce the kick-off of our 1st Annual NFL Super Bowl Squares Fundraising Pool with a chance to win up to $3,000!
In addition to making the game more exciting to watch, you will be helping our club continue to provide support and funding for the ongoing community and global projects we are involved with.
NFL Teams: NFC Championship Team vs. AFC Championship Team (TBD)
Sales Dates: Monday, January 22, 2024 to Saturday, February 10, 2024
Buy-in Per Square: $50 (with 100 squares available)
Payment Methods: Cash, Check (payable to Lake Zurich Rotary Club), VENMO using the QR Code below*
*please include your name and square number(s) chosen in the notes section.

How it Works:
- Players will select their square(s) online, by clicking on the link above or below and completing the “sign-up” information requested. If you have previously used the “Run Your Pool” website, you can choose the “sign-in” option instead and use your existing credentials to log-in. Once logged in, you will click on the box that reads “Lake Zurich Rotary Club Fundraiser” and that will take you to the squares grid (see image below).

- Once on the grid page, you can select any available squares numbered 1 – 100 and your name will automatically be assigned to that square(s). This is on a first-come, first-serve basis, based on the remaining squares available at time of your selection.
- Once all of the squares have been selected, we will lock the board and the numbers will be randomly chosen (0-9) and assigned to the grid for each quarter and for each team.
- The final grid, with all assigned squares, numbers, and teams will be available to all participants NO LATER THAN Saturday, February 10th at 10:00pm.
- Please check the MESSAGE BOARD available on our page, so you can stay up-to-date on information being shared with participants.
Ways to Win:
END OF QUARTER SCORE: The winner is determined by the last number of each team's score at the end of each quarter (4 quarters in total) and matching those numbers to the corresponding square on the grid. If the 4th quarter ends in a tie, the game will go into over-time and the 4th quarter winner will be determined by the FINAL game score.
$500 per quarter for a total of $2,000 in payouts
REVERSE END OF QUARTER SCORE: The winner is determined by the last number of each team’s score at the end of each quarter (4 quarters in total) and matching those numbers, IN REVERSE, to the corresponding square on the grid. If the 4th quarter ends in a tie, the game will go into over-time and the 4th quarter winner will be determined by the FINAL game score, IN REVERSE.
$100 per quarter for a total of $400 in payouts
SCORE CHANGES THROUGH-OUT GAME: $600 will be set aside to pay the winners for every score change throughout the game. Example: NFC team scores a TD resulting in 6-0 score- this will determine the first winner. An extra point is earned for the TD kick, resulting in another change to 7-0 score – this determines the second winner. Starting score of 0-0 does not pay. The pool of funds available will be divided by the number of winners, based on how many score changes take place through-out the game, including any over-time. Example: There are 10 score changes throughout the game, which will result in 10 winners earning $60 each.
$600 in total payouts
If you have any questions, please contact one of our fundraising coordinators: Tammi Malinowski (847) 815-8527, tmalinowski@firstambank.com or Petra Croneigh (847) 308-8668, petra@petra4travel.com.
Please feel free to share this information (email) with anyone that you feel would like to participate, while also supporting the Lake Zurich Rotary Club.
Thank you, in advance, for your participation and generosity.