There are only a couple weeks left to the 2016 Lake Zurich's Farmer's Market. We are still need weekly volunteers.
Volunteers are needed each week to staff the booth selling beer, wine and water.
I recommend a minimum of 2 club members each shift (2:45 – 5 pm / 5 – 7 pm) each week. The last Farmers Market is September 9. So that’s 14 more weeks with 2 shifts/week = 28 shifts with 2 volunteers/shift = 56 volunteers. That’s twice as many volunteer shifts as what we have club members. So I would like to suggest that every club member work no less than one shift two different weeks.
Here is a link to a signup genius page for you to sign up for the weeks and shifts you’re able to help.
You are encouraged to wear a Rotary shirt (if you have one) when you work a shift. This event is not just a fundraising activity for the club but also a great potential recruiting tool.

Dale Perrin, IOM
Executive Director