Rotary District Governor to visit Friday

Our new district governor, Rick Rivkin, will be visiting us on Friday to find our about our club and to give us some insights into what he plans to achieve in Sam’s presidential year. We hope you’ll all attend to give the governor a sense of what a vibrant and fun club we are.
Officers and Committee Chairs should plan to arrive at the Y at 10:30 a.m. on Friday for a board meeting with the governor. We’ll then have our regular meeting with the District Governor as our speaker.
DG Rick Rivkin is a member of the Rotary Club of Northbrook and a resident of Deerfield. He has been involved in international service in Guatemala for many years and has led polio vaccination trips to India and Nigeria. Professionally Rick is President and CEO of Saf-T-Gard International, a global supplier of industrial safety products and personal protective equipment.