RYLA Students to Speak April 21, 2017

This week's speakers will be five students from Lake Zurich High School who recently attended Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, RYLA. They will talk about the experience and what they learned.
The Rotary's website says, "RYLA events are organized locally by Rotary clubs and districts for participants ages 14-30. Depending on community needs, RYLA may take the form of a one-day seminar, a three-day retreat, or a weeklong camp. Typically, events last 3-10 days and include presentations, activities, and workshops covering a variety of topics."
The five students, Sydney Shadrick (senior) , Jessica Mueller, Julia Wol (Sophmore), Alyson Wisnioski, and Chloe Faris will tell us the specifics of their event. They were sponsored by the Lake Zurich Rotary Club.
You can learn more about RYLA at: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/rotary-youth-leadership-awards